Looking at the conditional statement, it looks like there's a missing then. 看看这个条件语句,可以看出缺少了then。
Then you use the conditional if statement to check the return code of the command. 然后,您使用条件型if语句,以检查该命令的返回代码。
When combined with a conditional statement, you can use Booleans to determine a result based on the conditions that you script. 当与条件语句结合使用时,您可以基于您编写的条件使用布尔值确定结果。
The case statement is another conditional statement that you can use in place of using an if statement. case语句是另一种条件型语句,您可以用该语句来替代if语句。
This little piece of code shows the conditional if statement. 这一小段代码显示了条件型if语句。
Listing 1 shows a simple example of a conditional statement combined with a Boolean. 清单1显示了条件语句与布尔值相结合的一个简单示例。
Another way you can solve the script is to use Python because of the conditional statement added. 解决该脚本的另一种方法是使用Python,这得益于所添加的条件语句。
Next, we encounter our first conditional statement, if [$$-ne1]. 接下来,碰到了第一个条件语句,if[$$-ne1]。
Lisp also handles conditional constructs such as the if statement. Lisp也处理条件结构,如if语句。
This line of code might look a little odd because it is a conditional requires statement 这行代码看起来有点古怪,因为它是一个条件语句
This is likely caused by a malformed conditional statement. 这是一个恶意的条件语句所造成。
"Indicative, non-binding and highly conditional" takeover proposals are often dismissed in a short statement from the target, with an optional sprinkling of outrage over the risible offer price. “指示性、非约束性、且附带很高条件的”收购要约,往往被收购目标用一份简短的声明给拒绝掉,言辞间时常还对荒唐的报价表示愤慨。
In a while, if the conditional is false the first time the statement never executes. 而在while循环结构中,若条件第一次就为false,那么其中的语句根本不会执行。
We need to write a conditional statement that will test what page is being viewed and define a variable based on the results of that test. 我们需要写一个条件语言来测试一下被浏览的网页,并且更加那个测试的结果来确定一个变数。
By adding logical and conditional statement or circular statement, you can add a complex examination toward the test. 通过添加逻辑和条件语句或循环语句,可以向测试添加复杂的检查。